Hi Russell and everyone,
I just checked the 12v amp draw of the LED strip I installed and it seems to be the one almost everyone is getting and installing.
When on brightest setting the strip is drawing 2.02 amps of 12v current. The fuse in the panel for the circuit my porch light is tied into has a 20amp fuse. But the step lights, aisle light, both sides of the scare lights are all on the same circuit. Maybe even something else I did not find. I quit when my meter was up to 9.7amp draw with everything on. The meter I was using only measures up to 10amp. I did turn all the lights off and flipped some more switches and did not find any other load on that circuit.
So with the pictures posted before that tells me there was plenty of juice there to cause a burn like in the pics. I am going to wire in a separate 3 or 5 amp fuse inside the old porch light fixture where I tied my LED strip in so it will be on it's own smaller fuse and give me protection from a problem with the LED strip.
Since the current draw is so little, I would like to see everyone install a small fuse in the 12v supply line for these LED's.
Jim M