Level up tripping breaker


Well-known member
Have a question not sure if it should be here or in elec. Level up has started tripping breaker when retracting jacks. I have the level up on it's own circuit w/70a manual reset breaker. Checked with amp meter 55/60a when extending 65/70a when retracting spikes to 100a at end of cycle in auto retract so far working fine in auto level. This has just started. Has anyone experienced anything similar if so what was done. Is there any way to test motor and pump separately are they only able to be replaced as a unit?


Well-known member
Re: Level up trippimg breaker

I think it may have something to do with the out side temperatures and the oil getting thick.


Staff member
Re: Level up trippimg breaker

I would expect a spike at the end of auto retract. Everything has stopped moving except the pump so the amp draw will be the highest.
I am still using a 50 amp breaker, although replaced once, but those that have moved to a higher rated breaker have gone to 80 amp per Lippert recommendation.
If yours came on your coach in 2011 it might be time for an oil change.
With everything retracted, suck the oil out using a turkey baster. Then replace with 1 quart of Torco 15 fork oil and then top off with a good ATF.
Then cycle the system a few times and you are done.
