Leveling system Question


Well-known member
I will be bringing my 5th wheel home this weekend and one side will be sitting over 20 inch tall planter-When the jacks are deployed I'm guessing it will meet the earlier resistance and pressurize and stop correct? The other jacks, or at least 4 out of 6) will be going all the way to ground level. Also is it wise to keep the jacks deployed when the rig is in storage to take the load off the suspension?


Well-known member
I'm not sure I'm following your description. But 20" sounds pretty high. The front "drop-frame" section of my Landmark is about 16" off the ground. The back section about 24". But then there are axles, sewer outlet, etc.


Well-known member
I do not deploy the level up while in storage. Lippert suggest spraying the legs with a silicone spray every few days and I don't want to go to the storage area every few days.


Well-known member
I will have a 20" dirt base under the drivers side rear (behind the tires)of my 5th wheel when stored at home. When the jacks are deployed the drivers side rear will hit dirt pretty quick as opposed to the passenger side. I'm guessing it will pressurize and stop on the higher ground while the passenger side deploys to the ground level.


Well-known member
I have had mine for a year and a half and I keep jacks deployed the whole time it is at home . . . in fact now that I think about it the only time the jacks aren't deployed is when we are on the road. I do use a silicon spray on the the jacks periodically to keep them clean. I have never had a problem. I have been in a couple of parks that kind of meet your description, but not quite as high as 20 inches, maybe 12 to 15 and when I ran autolevel the jacks all found their own length and the rig was leveled.


Staff member
You are correct. The system will equalize the pressure till all jacks meet resistance.



Well-known member
When you back up, watch that you're not backing the rear jack into the dirt. I'm not sure, but I don't think the pad is 20" off the ground.