Lighting the Oven


SSG Stumpy-VA Terrorist
Don't know about you...but, I never keep the oven pilot light lit. Wastes propane...and really difficult to get lit when you do use it.

I'm not sure what the right size for the flame to be..mine is about 1/3 the size of the one on my old Airstream. It's difficult to find, get lit and keep it lit. So, some adjustments may be in order.

Here's wht I've found to make it easier to light..


It works for me...gets the flame WAAAYYY back in the oven...and You don't have to be able to get it aimed right. Just think, an area flame weapon for your kitchen!

Sorry the picture above is for the cooktop..THIS is for the oven:


Lighting the Oven. No problem hitting the pilot light now.



Prolifically Gabby Member
Back in the day when I used charcoal and starter fluid, they looked something like this.:eek: