Locking Diesel Fuel Cap


Prolifically Gabby Member
Anybody using a locking fuel cap on their truck? In particular one for a 2009 GMC Sierra 3500HD. Not so concerned about fuel theft as I am about some snot-bubble putting something in my tank while it sits out on the driveway at night. Got me thinking after reading an article about a woman who's vehicle problem was diagnosed as having a cheeseburger and pickle in her gas tank. $1000 repair bill.


Well-known member
been using a match set for years. moved the set from my '94 350 to the '06 450, imagine that, 12 years and Ford still uses the same type of fuel cap attachment. Stant is the brand of mine.


Well-known member
I have one on both the main tank and the in-bed tank. Their on different keys but its not a big deal.

An inexpensive solution to what could be a very expensive problem.


Prolifically Gabby Member
I did some Internet searching and the Stant 11591 looks like it will work on my truck. I think the local Advance Auto Parts carries that brand, so I can pick it up tomorrow instead of ordering it. Peace of mind thing.


Founders of SoCal Chapter
A locking gas cap is a good idea. An easier solution is a compfy lawn chair, a blanket, and a 12 ga with rock salt.


Well-known member
Yep got one on main and one on aux tank in the bed, seperate key for each. Same here, not so much for theft, as I am something being put in the tanks that shouldn't be there.


Prolifically Gabby Member
Got it at Advance, along with a nice 10% discount for being a FF (didn't ask, I just had my FD T-shirt on and they gave it). Kinda wish I could keep the cap tether on it, but I've never lost a cap yet. Made a label for in, black letters on yellow tape: DIESEL FUEL. Just in case someone else has occasion to put fuel in it.

Now, if I could just find the little sob that shot the side of my truck with a paintball as he passed in the opposing lane the other night....my guns don't shoot paint.


Well-known member
Anybody using a locking fuel cap on their truck? In particular one for a 2009 GMC Sierra 3500HD. Not so concerned about fuel theft as I am about some snot-bubble putting something in my tank while it sits out on the driveway at night. Got me thinking after reading an article about a woman who's vehicle problem was diagnosed as having a cheeseburger and pickle in her gas tank. $1000 repair bill.

Wouldn't a high quality diesel fuel filter handle a Cheeseburger and a pickle?
Maybe the problem was the Coke and fries that went with them.


Well-known member
Got it at Advance, along with a nice 10% discount for being a FF (didn't ask, I just had my FD T-shirt on and they gave it).

I worked for Advance Auto Parts for almost 10 years, they will give a 10% discount to anyone with any military ID and police and fire. even retired Military, just ask and you shall receive:)


1st Tennessee Member#1084
I don't have a locking gas cap, but I did put on a locking fuel door. It replaced the OEM one. Got it at Truck N Trailers. Chromed and it looks great.


Southeast Region Director-Retired
We have a locking gas cap on the truck as well as on our Daytona Charger. The Charger came stock, keyed as the engine switch but we got the cap for the truck from the Dodge dealership. When we traded trucks, we just switched the cap and put it on the new truck


Prolifically Gabby Member
I worked for Advance Auto Parts for almost 10 years, they will give a 10% discount to anyone with any military ID and police and fire. even retired Military, just ask and you shall receive:)

Dang, I should have whipped out my Retired USAF ID card, too. Might have gotten 20% off! (just foolin'). I like places that do that.


Senior Member
When I bought my truck I lost fuel on the first week, thinking it was a leak but no trace of fuel. So I have been using a looking cap because when parked for extended stay in a campground overflow I could loose fuel as I did. I lost fuel twice since camping and it was at campgrounds.