Lost dog


All of that and nothing about having a phone number on the collar. But that could be because post appears to be towards the dog show crowd.

This past years Maryland rally I found a small loose dog while walking ours. Nothing in the area to identify where he may have belonged, but his tags included a phone number.

I wasn't expecting an answer at 6am with an out of state number, but, the owner did listen to her messages and come for the dog.


Well-known member
Good point! However, many dogs that get away out of cars or RV's are opportunist escapes and dog may not be wearing a collar.

Another RV website had the suggestion of putting the campground and parking site number on a temporary tag on the collar.

All of that and nothing about having a phone number on the collar. But that could be because post appears to be towards the dog show crowd.

This past years Maryland rally I found a small loose dog while walking ours. Nothing in the area to identify where he may have belonged, but his tags included a phone number.

I wasn't expecting an answer at 6am with an out of state number, but, the owner did listen to her messages and come for the dog.


Another RV website had the suggestion of putting the campground and parking site number on a temporary tag on the collar.

A good idea as well. I already do something similar when I/we go off on the bike, kind of an 'in case of emergency' thing for the dogs to be looked after.

A bag of plastic key tags is relatively inexpensive, especially compared to the drama of a missing pup.

I use the 1" round tags now for a variety of items to be marked. Will have to keep a bag in the trailer now. Just "Sharpie" one up when we get to camp. ;)


Well-known member
​Get your dog chipped !
We have a "virtual phone number" on the dogs collar tags since 1) they are not associated to an address and 2) any call rings all ours and in-law's cell phones at the same time. Someone it bound to pick up the call.


​Get your dog chipped !

Absolutely get them chipped. But chipping should not be the only choice. Not all chips can be read by all readers. Getting better, but not yet.

We have had the 'luxury' of going to vets several times while out with the Cyclone. I try and make it a habit whenever we are at a new vet to have them use their reader to see if they can access the chip. So far on the east coast it seems to work well.