Made a BIG Boo-Boo/No-No on countertop


Well-known member
I was adding some peel-n-stick tile behind the stove and was using a foldable plastic cutting board under things when using a utility knife. Well DA me didn't see it at first, but the knife went right thru the plastic board and now I have a few scratches-small gouges in countertop. Is there any way to somehow remove them or am I done for and stuck?? I know, it's my fault, I admit and I should have known to use a HD plastic one instead.


Prolifically Gabby Member
If it’s the Hanex type material, you can polish them out. Had to do it years ago when thieves broke in while in storage and stole the TV’s, leaving scratches on the countertop. Using wet sandpaper, starting with 800 grit, gently work your way up through several grits by hand to a 3000 grit, wiping down between grits. Final step is automotive polishing cream, not compound. Work the area around the scratches to blend it all in. Then apply a paste wax to shine it all up.

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