Making up the bed


Prolifically Gabby Member
@John, maybe thats why the matress on the Jayco was always half on and half hanging in the air!

And you were wondering why the neighbors kept their kids ears covered!

Just a reminder/suggestion: Get some of the fake wood corner trim (HD or Lowes) and cap the edges of the platform after you apply tile or lino to it. It will save your fingers from cuts/scrapes & slivers. I used strips of double-side carpet tape to secure it.


Well-known member
We are listening- Looking at some ways to make it easier to make the bed.

That is an easy one. Just take and make yourself a "sheet and blanket puller-upper"! Take a simple rod or stick long enough to span the width of the bed.. to that attach at least 3 or more of those black jaws clamps for tarps spaced along the pole. now attach some sort of rope or line to each end of the pole at least 15 feet long. Now run the rope or line under the mattress along each side about 18 inches in from the edge of the bed. that rope will then be pulled to the foot of the bed. when it is time to make the bed simply pull the pole to the foot of the bed on top of the mattress, attach the clamps to the sheet or blanket and pull the other end of the ropes or lines that are under the mattress.. This should pull the sheet or blanket to the top of the mattress all neat and without wrinkles. Just pull the rod back down to the foot as many times as needed. after the finial item is pulled up to the head of the bed just tuck your pole between the headboard and mattress for reuse in the morning. Hope that makes sense. If not I will try and draw a picture.


Prolifically Gabby Member
That is an easy one. Just take and make yourself a "sheet and blanket puller-upper"! Take a simple rod or stick long enough to span the width of the bed.. to that attach at least 3 or more of those black jaws clamps for tarps spaced along the pole. now attach some sort of rope or line to each end of the pole at least 15 feet long. Now run the rope or line under the mattress along each side about 18 inches in from the edge of the bed. that rope will then be pulled to the foot of the bed. when it is time to make the bed simply pull the pole to the foot of the bed on top of the mattress, attach the clamps to the sheet or blanket and pull the other end of the ropes or lines that are under the mattress.. This should pull the sheet or blanket to the top of the mattress all neat and without wrinkles. Just pull the rod back down to the foot as many times as needed. after the finial item is pulled up to the head of the bed just tuck your pole between the headboard and mattress for reuse in the morning. Hope that makes sense. If not I will try and draw a picture.

That would still require lifting the mattress at the head of the bed to unhook the clamps. Getting a fitted sheet on would also be a problem. I still vote for just making the platform slicker and protecting the edges.


Well-known member
No John. You don't have to take it all the way up to unhook the sheet. Just up to where you usually have it. Sorry John, I thought you os all people would figure it without pictures.

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Prolifically Gabby Member
No John. You don't have to take it all the way up to unhook the sheet. Just up to where you usually have it. Sorry John, I thought you os all people would figure it without pictures.

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No, I got your general idea, like hoisting a sail. But we use a fitted sheet on the mattress. That requires getting the corners pulled under the mattress on all four corners so we'd still have to be able to lift it up. Easier to do if we pull the mattress down with the slick platform. The flat sheet on top of that is no problem, nor is the blanket/comforter, since they only need to go up to the slide fascia and get folded down.

With our set-up, the wife can actually make up the bed on her own without mimicking my brand of colorful language. Having to pull a lanyard under the mattress would probably result in language that would make me want to hide under the rig.


Well-known member
This is the problem I have with this forum........... It is adding terribly to my "to-do" list. What a great idea! My problem is that I'm simply not creative enough to think of it on my own. Thanks to those who included pics as it helps convey the idea.

We've felt that the appearance of the bare particle board beneath the mattress was rather tacky, even though it is covered by a mattress and very colorful bed spread. The application of a sealer is an excellent idea. International Paint makes a two-part sealer that we use around the ship I feel will put a good hard surface on the particle board. I believe it will hold the adhesive tile nicely when it's applied. The finale of putting a trim around the edge will not do much for appearance as it is covered most of the time, but will keep the particle edge from chipping out, and will keep the blankets and sheets from catching of it. Thanks to whoever came up with this idea. GlennB.


Prolifically Gabby Member
This is the problem I have with this forum........... It is adding terribly to my "to-do" list. What a great idea! My problem is that I'm simply not creative enough to think of it on my own. Thanks to those who included pics as it helps convey the idea.

We've felt that the appearance of the bare particle board beneath the mattress was rather tacky, even though it is covered by a mattress and very colorful bed spread. The application of a sealer is an excellent idea. International Paint makes a two-part sealer that we use around the ship I feel will put a good hard surface on the particle board. I believe it will hold the adhesive tile nicely when it's applied. The finale of putting a trim around the edge will not do much for appearance as it is covered most of the time, but will keep the particle edge from chipping out, and will keep the blankets and sheets from catching of it. Thanks to whoever came up with this idea. GlennB.

Yep, this forum comes up with all kinds of ways to spend the other guys money and chew up his relaxing time. ;) What happens a lot is somebody posts a modification and others find ways to tweak it even more.