My Personal Choice

I prefer the Smith & Wesson 642 38+P. It's small, easy to carry, no hammer to mess with, never leave home without it. I have a CCP and I am a member of the NRA. That's the way I roll.


Well-known member
Since my original post below, I know carry a Springfield XD-S .45acp in an IWB holster similar to cross breed or an OWB belt slide holster. It is a bit slimmer then the MP9C and hides almost as easily as the LCP. The M&P9C is now my nightstand gun.

M&P9C with a crossbreed super tuck or Phil Bernie Conceal Max Pro (leather)... Second choice for very warm weather is my LCP in a wallet holster.
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S&W shield. It's thin, 8 rounds, small enough to be in the waist band (McCabe holster) large enough to shoot well with.
Give me the Taurus Judge anytome. PDX-1 .410 shells are an incredible self-defense load. I load 3 of them with 2 .45 Long Cols (hydrashocks) just to make sure I can get my point across if needed.