Need Location Information


Well-known member
Anyone have a blueprint or know the approximate location of the black tank valve on a 2013 3260EL. I need to access the valve for repairs and I would prefer to cut an access hatch rather than drop the whole bottom. My plan is to seal it back up with an aluminum access door that I can open when needed.


Prolifically Gabby Member
You might be able to see it if you remove the basement wall on the ODS. Mine is visible from there, but not accessible.

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Well-known member
Unfortunately mine is on the back side of the tank. Just got off the phone with Heartland, supposedly they are sending me a blue print w/dimensions. When/if I get that in, I'm going to post it for others. I've had two problems with the black tank valve so far, and it is a PITA to get to. This time there will be an aluminum access door that can be dropped for service.


Well-known member
On our Rushmore it's also on the backside of the tank and is located just where the frame drops. I can reach one end of the valve by dropping the corner of the front section of coroplast and the other end of the valve from an access panel I added to the rear section of the coroplast.


Well-known member
Contact Customer service at Heartland. I ask about my Big Country and they sent me a drawing showing the location of all three valves.


Well-known member
I know it's approximate location, because I saw it while the bottom was dropped at the dealer. In hindsight I should have taken a picture and measurements then. Heartland just sent me a drawing of the layout, but no dimensions in relation to frame. However I believe I can get close from this

View attachment plumbing layout.pdf


Prolifically Gabby Member
On the 3670, it's on the end of the tank that's mounted perpendicular to the length of the rig. From the basement, I can also see the sensors. Just can't reach it. From the looks of it, though, it's fairly clear access from below if I drop the coroplast on the side. Hope I never have to, though.

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Well-known member
Ok, I got the blueprint from Heartland. According to it, the black tank valve actuator is pointed toward the FRONT of the trailer, so logically my first cut would be on the front side of the drain pipe. Wrong. For some reason the actuator on mine is pointed toward the REAR of the trailer. As there is room in the front for the actuator, I don't have a clue why they have it mounted this way. When we first bought the trailer, the black tank valve opened and closed easily, but a few days after we took delivery it wouldn't seal off. The dealer replaced the valve under warranty, because it had a piece of plastic stuck in it. Now I'm wondering if the dealer might have mounted the valve wrong. This could well be the reason the black tank valve became a bear to open and close when we got it back. So much so that the outer cable cover pulled out of the crimp at the handle end. For now I used the temporary fix found here on the forum to hold the cover in place so the cable will work. I ordered a new cable, but before I put it in I need to find out more about why the valve is pointed the way it is. I went ahead and fabricated an aluminum plate access panel that is screwed in place so that I can easily access the valve when I need to. Any thoughts???????