Nest Thermostat


Well-known member
Hi Robert,

If your trailer has a Dometic digital thermostat, I think it has a non-standard wiring setup compared to a residential thermostat. But who knows, maybe someone's figured out how to adapt a Nest to fit.
Thanks Dane for the response. I think I am going to get a friend of mine, who does A/C work, to come out and take a look for me. Maybe he can shed some light. As soon as I know something I will re-post what is said.
Thanks RoadJunkie!!! I am definitely going to hit Lowes up when I leave work for the day. I will keep everyone posted on the progress and end result.


New York Chapter Leaders - retired
I just installed a Nest "E" thermostat in our home and in the directions there is a website you can go to for direction on how to select and wire said theromstat when not using the traditional home 24 volt configuration.