Just a few thoughts here...
- operate all awnings and slides
- check the bottoms of drawers (we had a couple where the bottom was not in the groove - easy fix, but your dealer should do it)
- if you have a generator package, run it under load
- run the a/c and try it deflected to bedrooms and see how much air is moving through vents
- if you have the bunk option in the garage, check to make sure the legs are the correct length, and that the pins are easily removable / insertable when at the top
- if you have the aux fuel tank, check that it correctly pumps fuel
- I would assume you have the dysan vac, but if you have the built-in vac, make sure it correctly starts / stops
- consider having your dealer assist you in labelling your breaker / fuse panel
- have your dealer check axle bolt torque and all welds on suspension
- purchase a tire pressure monitoring system as soon as possible (doesn't matter how good or what brand your tires are)
- if you do not already have one, get a tool set for the road... Its just the nature of RVing.