We made the plunge and bought a new Dodge 2500 crew Laramie diesel and a 2010 Sundance 2900MK about a month ago. We are delighted with the set up. We have been out fourteen days since the purchase. Shake down to Gunnison CO, over Lizard Head Pass to Mesa Verde, and then to Moab UT and home over Douglas Pass to Vernal UT no problems towing and handling. Then Elk camp then deer camp dry camping with a generator and thirty gallons of extra water. I need to work on a more efficient way of transferring water. The 2900MK was a major step up from the Starcraft Gemmi popup. The 2900MK is a mobile apartment. It has more amenities than my first few apartments.
We did learn a few things: lock the shower door or you need to reinstall the door top hinge, secure the sliding door or it will get jammed, carry plenty of 30 amp fuses for the landing gear, made new pin hinge for the exhaust fan flap, lined the walls to left and behind the stove with Plexiglas, installed a double LED light in stove area, lower the antenna before leaving the campground (thanks to a great campground host no damage), use two way radios for backing and extending slide outs.
We did learn a few things: lock the shower door or you need to reinstall the door top hinge, secure the sliding door or it will get jammed, carry plenty of 30 amp fuses for the landing gear, made new pin hinge for the exhaust fan flap, lined the walls to left and behind the stove with Plexiglas, installed a double LED light in stove area, lower the antenna before leaving the campground (thanks to a great campground host no damage), use two way radios for backing and extending slide outs.