New Kitchen faucet...


Well-known member
I'm thinking of replacing the faucet in our 2009 Bighorn, 3670RL. Has anyone done so, and can it be a typical set-up that you can get at Lowes/Home Depot? Do they fit the holes that are in the counter, etc, and what else is needed for the hook-up with the plumbing lines?....thanks.


Prolifically Gabby Member
I'm thinking of replacing the faucet in our 2009 Bighorn, 3670RL. Has anyone done so, and can it be a typical set-up that you can get at Lowes/Home Depot? Do they fit the holes that are in the counter, etc, and what else is needed for the hook-up with the plumbing lines?....thanks.

I haven't changed mine, but here's what it looks like under the countertop. You'll have to remove that large screw to get the retaining nut off before you can lift the faucet off. Other than working in a confined space, it shouldn't be too difficult. Don't let the photo fool you, though, you can't reach it from the side. I took it by holding the camera over the divider in the corner cabinet.

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Well-known member
There's probably a special tool at Home Depot to remove the retaining nut without shredding your knuckles and loudly expressing your feelings. :) But I don't know what it's called.


Founding Nevada-North Chapter Leader-Retired
It's called a basin wrench. They come in a couple sizes. Can get at any hardware store.


Well-known member
I'm thinking of replacing the faucet in our 2009 Bighorn, 3670RL. Has anyone done so, and can it be a typical set-up that you can get at Lowes/Home Depot? Do they fit the holes that are in the counter, etc, and what else is needed for the hook-up with the plumbing lines?....thanks.

HI Dylan, We replaced the faucet in our Big Country with a standard house faucet that we bought at either Home Depot or Lowes (can't remember which store) and it was pretty straight forward in the removal and install. Check out our blog and you can see the faucet replacement that Malcolm (MCT) did. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact either him or myself.


Well-known member
I replaced ours a couple months ago as it was leaking in the spray head, back down the flexible hose giving us a constant puddle under the sink. We replaced it with a off the shelf model from Home Depot. The existing fittings were the same size as the connections on the new faucet. I did apply teflon tape to the faucet threads prior to installing it in the countertop as a precautionary measure. The replacement required no drilling or any unusual difficulty, other than getting yourself wedged under the sink between the the oven and the island. A smart 8 year old would have been handy.

Paul & Nan

Well-known member
Replaced ours this fall with a nice high arch faucet with pull out sprayer from Lowes. Did not require anything special. Was not cheap, but much better than the original in our 09 BH3670RL.