New member


Staff member
Mazemaster, welcome to the forum. Yes the forum can be a little intimidating at first, but you will find your way around.
If you want to start a new thread, just go to the forum tab on the top of the page and then all forums. You will also find good reading is you are looking for specific info.
Have fun.



Hi mazemaster,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum and Family. We have a great bunch of people here with lots of information and all willing to share their knowledge if needed.

The forum is very easy to use and I don't think you can hurt anything. Just from the "Portal" page go to "Forums" and look at what your interested in. Or go to the "What's New" button and you will see what has been posted since your last visit. Your first visit will probably show it all,, but you can click on "active topics" and "mark all forums read". Then only what has had a post made to it will show up when you log on. Just look around and visit every place. Lots of information here and a lot of really good people.

Someone is always around to help out with an answer. So jump in and have fun with your new Sundance and check out the rallies in your area.... well you just missed a free meal and meeting at Ron Hoovers in the valley... Maybe you can still get into the Spring, Tx. gathering next week just North of Houston.

Check us out and have fun.

Jim M


Well-known member
just post a question, comment, or what ever your thinking and someone will help you. You posted this first one in general area which is good. A Moderator will move posts to where they belong. welcome to the forum. click on new posts and find out what's posted since you were last on forum.

I see you have a Sundance so you can go to the part of forum and read up on things. Some of the questions you may have, may be on the site already.

Brouse around forum and shop, we don't charge for that:angel:


I was looking at your profile,,, and ,,, are you a "CORN" farmer or a "SORGUM GRAIN" farmer... both used to be called "Maize" I think... I do know the Sorgum really causes you to "itch" when you combine it...or just live close to the farm ... or field... If your the Corn farmer.... I would like a few fresh ears.,.. when it's ready..:)... just had to ask..:)

Jim M


Jim, you have a lot of corn in your house also... We have heard it...:eek:

If you will go up to the to top of the forum screen you will see "Active Topics". Click on the drop down and you can select all the posts made for the time indicated. I usually use the 3 day or Since last visit. Thes work well to see what everyone is discussing. But if you want to read about a specific topic you can browse any one you desire.



Southeast Region Director-Retired
Welcome to the forum mazemaster. I see that you have a new Sundance. What a great coach. We started out in the Heartland family with a Sundance before moving up to a Big Country. If you have any problems or just want some information, just post it and there will be a bunch of folks who will try to help you. Enjoy and travel safely.