New Owner

Hey all
Bought a 2016 Edge 399 in November and just took it our for a 12 day shake down trip. Glad we stayed close to home because we found quite a few gremlins. Dropped it back off at the dealer to get them fixed. Looking forward to many more trips with it.


Well-known member
Welcome to the site! We bought outer RW in October. We've had a few items fixed under warranty. The members on this site are very helpful.



Mountain Region Director-Retired
Congrats on your new Edge! Hope you will look into joining the Heartland Owners CLub! It's a great family of like minded RVer's.
Safe Travels.


HI Travelin Olingers,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum and to the family. We have a great bunch of folks here with lots of information and all willing to share their knowledge when needed.

Be sure and check out our Heartland Owners Club. Join us at a rally when you can and meet lots of the great folks here and make friends for a lifetime.

Enjoy the forum.

Jim M