North Trail 32QBSS Hot water heater by pass valve???? Where is it located?


I have looked everywhere for a bypass valve. I have opened every access panel possible. Our manual shows a shur flo pump with 3 valves, well our pump on has 2. Now what? Help!


Water heater bypass is on the back of the water heater, if you don’t know where it is look out side for a square cover with a small loop on top center that is your water heater cover, then go inside & look for it you should be able to get to it. There are 3 valves you will close the outer ones & open the center valve that will put it in by pass for winterization. The one next to the water pump is used for closing of the water suction from the fresh water tank & with use of the hose that I think it should be there then you can suction rv antifreeze to winterize it. I think this is what you are trying to do? Good luck


Well-known member
I believe the HW tank is in front storage area, Drivers side. need to take the screws out of panel inside storage and valves are right there. Back of HW tank. my 31qbs is there and it's the same basic layout


Thank you! I was climbing in there and took out 2 screws but thought, hey, this is rediculous. They wouldn't be dumb enough to put it here. Right.


Well-known member
I cut a hole in side panel and made a frame (like a picture frame) and put 4 small screws in it.
Located on side you look at when opening storage door. Now i just take out the screws reach in and turn the valves, without crawling in again. Works great.