Ontario Chapter News Letter No 16 April 2011


Founding Canadian Region Director - Retired
Here is our latest newsletter. Excitement is building for the 2011 season.
Happy trails to all
Wayne & Gayle


  • Newsletter No 16 Apr 2011.pdf
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NE Reg Dir Retired
Great Job! I especially like the member news articles. They help us to get to know you before we meet each other! Well done.


Well-known member
Hi Wayne,

I agree with Deb - great update. Happy to hear Gayle continues to do well in her recovery.

Wow Ontario - lots going on! Make sure to make the Ontario rally and if anyone wants to join us in Goshen, there's 1 spot open today and the wait list works well. When that one spot is gone, add your email to the wait list and the next person to cancel opens up an spot for you :) We'll likely have another 10 cancels prior to rally time. Just the nature of life.

Happy camping up north and hope to see you on the south side.



Senior Member
Nice job on the newsletter it looks good. I do have a question. Will all the snow be off the greens by June? LOL

Sorry I had to do that as it has been a really bad winter for everyone.



Founding Canadian Region Director - Retired
I sure hope the snow is gone from the greens, in reality our local course opened this week, but who knows, the way this year has gone we just might get snowed in again by June.
Happy Trails


Ontario Chapter Leaders
hi wayne.......sorry for getting back to you later rather than sooner. donna and i would like to help anywhere you like for the ontario rally. let us know and hope gayle is doing ok. talk soon.