Permanent address

Hello; This is nuggetmike. I'm a new member. We are selling our house and going full time. What do i use for permanent address? How do i receive mail on the move? What about a legal address for tax purposes? I have a thousand questions. Most of which escape me at this moment. Thank you in advance.


Well-known member
Hi nuggetmike,

We were full time for a while and used Escapees in Livingston, TX for mail service. One trip to Livingston to register vehicles there and register to vote there and update drivers licenses. That establishes domicile for tax and related purposes. As of a few years ago, I think Texas was requiring an annual vehicle inspection in order to renew license tags - don't know if that's still the case.

Because Escapees has many thousands of registered voters in that county, when jury duty comes up, the county clerk knows to exempt Escapees.

South Dakota and Florida are other common choices.


Well-known member
At on-line registration time, it asks, "are you in the state?" If the answer is "no," it will advise you to have the inspection done "within 5 days of returning to the state."


Well-known member
Hello; This is nuggetmike. I'm a new member. We are selling our house and going full time. What do i use for permanent address? How do i receive mail on the move? What about a legal address for tax purposes? I have a thousand questions. Most of which escape me at this moment. Thank you in advance.

BIL and SIL became SD residents. You have to return every 5 years and get a one time pass on the 5 years. Their are mail forwarding services there for "official" mail.

We have remained Washington residents, as Arizona has a state income tax. Washington State has two addresses for us. I resident address at our summer membership park and a Mail Zone box a few miles away. We leave a forwarding deposit with Mail Zone and call about once a month for forwarding. Or before then if you are looking for something important. They will check the box for what we are looking for. Contacted our county election department and they are sending our national election ballots to our Arizona address for us this fall. This has been working for us that 4 years now. Chris
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Thanks everyone for your replies. I'm still thoroughly confused. What state would be the best for an address, with the least cost and tax liability? Thank you in advance.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone for your replies. I'm still thoroughly confused. What state would be the best for an address, with the least cost and tax liability? Thank you in advance.

There is non”right” state. The most popular are South Dakota, Texas, and Florida. For us, we chose South Dakota based on no income tax, you only have to return every 5 years and stay one night to maintain residency and renew your drivers license. Our insurance cost dropped 45% for two vehicles and our 5th wheel. License plates/registration costs were just a few more dollars then we paid in Oklahoma. We utilize Americas Mailbox out of Box Elder (basically Rapid City). Being on Medicare being in SD isn’t an issue, however those still too young are at a disadvantage as there is little to no choices for medical.

Doing some research and knowing your personal situation will help guide you to your best decision.


Well-known member
We used, a Florida address. We were able to keep all our banking, investments, insurance, titles, etc., using that mail address, as well as voting. Visit the web site and call them for answers to all your questions.... you will have to go to FL for the initial vehicle registration & title transfer. After that you will be a FL resident with all FL resident benefits...


Well-known member
Full Time RVer - Your Mail is an article that explains about full time rv living and residency. Coming from NY, we now have a SD address through Americas Mail Box. I researched a lot of states and mail delivery services and this was the best for what we wanted. All our mail is sent to us at the address they set up for you. It is not a PO Box address. It is the company we use to get our mail out of Rapid City SD. You set up an account with them and put money in a so called bank. When ever you request your mail, they just deduct from the bank the cost of postage to you. I usually have our mail sent once a month to where ever were are staying, by just getting on the Americas Mail Box web-site and request it by USPS, FedEx or UPS depending on the speed I want it.
There is different advantages to what state you set up a residency in and the article explains it. We have had great luck using Americas mail box with no troubles. It is easy, quick to set up and request mail from them. They will even set up your vehicle registration for you.
There web-site is Americas Mailbox if you care to check them out. Enjoy full timing!


Well-known member
Hello; This is nuggetmike. I'm a new member. We are selling our house and going full time. What do i use for permanent address? How do i receive mail on the move? What about a legal address for tax purposes? I have a thousand questions. Most of which escape me at this moment. Thank you in advance.
hello we did what your doing soon 10 years ago we are from florida so are permanent address and tax purposes are in florida . at first we used our friends address for our mail and there address for our was good for a year or so then things slowing down mailing our mail to us so we changed to good sams mail florida.we use that address now. for ours taxes and permanent address.i think its 180 a year. i can see what is in my box at all times.they have a scanner now i can see who they are from.they give you the court house number calling the sets up your voting balleds sending them to your box so you can vote.i do like goodsams mail service.another thing you have to worry about is your medical ins and if you take and pills you are taking. mail order service. and the doctors you will have to see on the road.make sure you medicel ins is good seeing any doctor that you call we have aarp unitedhealthcare.we can use any doctor out there that takes medicare.we havent had to pay anything on are far as taxes before we left we saw a tax guy to do are taxes.luckly we are still useing him after 10 years.another thing jurry dutey.when we recive a notice we call and tell them we are on a vicaton. they will change it.this well help some enjoy your new live.