Please help!! Total newbies here!!

Super excited about our 2014 Cyclone 3010. Took it out over Thanksgiving weekend for some dry camping. Had a great time!! But now I have some newbie questions, since this is our first travel trailer. I am sure these questions have been asked before, but there are so many threads I cannot find specific answers for my specific trailer :) Don't laugh, I'm sure I am gonna ask some silly questions;)
1. Where do you get the water to fill the water tank? from my house, some random water spigot....where?
2. Where oh where is my water pump?
3. With the water heater, how do you know there is water in it? I am guessing ours had some in it because we used it using the propane and electric. Also, how do you fill the heater? Is it when you fill the water tank that this will fill up? I have the automatic Atwood.
4. We plan to use trailer about once a month, and I was wondering is it okay to leave the water in there for a month since there are only a couple of us and we don't use all of it for one trip?
5. After this trip this month I am sure we will have to dump the tanks since they will be about 2/3 full, but really Heartland you couldn't label the valves??? So does anyone know which valve is for which tank? I have two next to each other in the first door for the grey #1 and the black tank. Am I gonna have to play the peek-a-poo game to find out? I do have a clear elbow thingy, but I was hoping someone might have the answer.

Well, I think those are all the questions I have for now...but I am sure I will think of something else soon and be back for more :p I did see some use guides, but some of that stuff is like a foreign language to me lol


Well-known member
Hi CycloneNewbies,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum. There's lots of useful information here along with a great bunch of friendly and helpful people.

1. You can get water anywhere that has clean, potable water (which means don't get water at a dump station).
2. Water pump locations vary, but on larger 5th wheels, they're often located behind the rear passthrough storage wall, on the off-door side.

Perhaps another 3010 owner can give you a more specific answer.

3. If the water heater is not bypassed (as part of winterizing), and you connect to city water, and have the 4-way Anderson valve set to CITY, and open a hot water faucet, the first 12 gallons of water will go into the water heater and then water will start coming out the faucet. Once filled, it will stay full until you drain it by removing the anode rod/drain plug. It's really important that the water heater not be bypassed or you'll be faked out because cold water will flow through the hot faucets when the water heater is bypassed.

It's also very important not to run the water heater when the tank is empty. The electric element can be burned out very quickly if the tank is empty.

4. Leaving the water heater full for a month in storage is probably ok, but keep in mind that if temperatures drop below freezing, you could have freeze damage (not covered by warranty).

5. Perhaps another 3010 owner can give you some guidance on the valve handles.

Let me also point you to the Heartland User Guides (HUG), on the TOOLS button at top of page. We have a number of user guides written by owners, covering many of the basic questions that you're likely to have. Here's a link.

Enjoy the trailer and feel free to ask questions.


Active Member
Hey Newbie!

Welcome to loads of fun. All of your answers are in the owners handbook. No not being a smartbutt but trust me when I say I learned the hard way to read the thing. It has been very helpful since we started in 2013 with our elkridge.
Water for your trailer. get it from your house is the easiest. However if you go to campgrounds alot use the water from their and don't fill your tank up as your dragging alot of weight around for no reason. Since you have a cyclone you will be dry camping on the dunes somewhere without hookups so yes fill up before leaving. You turn the water pump on at the electrical center of the trailer. You can leave the pump on as it will turn off at the right pressure. If it keep running something is wrong.

3. With the water heater, how do you know there is water in it? I am guessing ours had some in it because we used it using the propane and electric. Also, how do you fill the heater? Is it when you fill the water tank that this will fill up? I have the automatic Atwood.
Water pump on and turn the hot water facuet on. It will spit air the first time until full. May spit air in other trips to get it full

Yes U can leave the water in the tank. It will be okay.

5. After this trip this month I am sure we will have to dump the tanks since they will be about 2/3 full, but really Heartland you couldn't label the valves??? So does anyone know which valve is for which tank? I have two next to each other in the first door for the grey #1 and the black tank. Am I gonna have to play the peek-a-poo game to find out? I do have a clear elbow thingy, but I was hoping someone might have the answer. Dump the grey water last!! Use the grey water Last to clean out the pooooo u jst dumped. Then clean sewer with grey water. Make sure you use some type of black water treatment. Thetford always gives you some of that

Enjoy many days of camping. Join your local chapter for all kinds of free advice.
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Well-known member
Firstly we need to know whether you have the Anderson valve or individual fills for the city water, black tank flush etc. A photo of your UDC (area with all of the connections) would help. We can then point out which is which.

The water pump is behind the UDC Panel and just above the tank drain.
Dan covered filling the water heater and tank but DO NOT turn on the electric water heater without water in the hot water tank. Quick kill for the element.
I would suggest that you not leave water in the tanks or lines during the winter in Alaska. If you are in above freezing locations a month will be fine. We cannot leave water in the tank here (Arizona) during the Summer because of bacteria growth.
Assuming that the valves are the same on the 2014 3010 as the 2011 there are two up front. Look under the trailer with the valve door open. The valve directly above the large pipe is the black. The smaller pipe is the front gray. The back valve is the back gray.


Well-known member
Don't know how cold it can get in Arkansas but I would look into winterizing the water and waste systems before you get a freeze. Also drain the fresh water tank. It's better to be safe then sorry. Lots of guidance about winterizing on this form.
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Kentucky Chapter Leaders - retired
This WATER METER is a very handy gadget to tell how much fresh water you're puting in the tank. We've used one for a couple years now and have found it to be pretty accurate.
Leaving fresh water in the tank increases the chances for bacteria to grow. You'll quickly learn how much water you consume on your outings and this will prevent you from having to waste too much when the rig will be idle for any length of time and you drain the tank.
We always use bottled water for drinking but whenever we are using the fresh water tank I add 2-3oz of chlorine bleach to 100 gallons of water. That amount of chlorine will have little smell and isn't enough to be considered dangerous if you consume a little by accident. It's also not enough to cause problems with hair coloring. It is enough, however, to keep the algae/bacteria growth to a minimum for a while.


Well-known member
Yep. Good little tool. I know that my system takes 114 gallons with the water heater and lines charged.


Well-known member
Most everything is covered on previous posts except disinfecting the fresh water system, and only using WHITE potable water hoses for pressurized water connection or fresh water tank filling. Also, a water filter on the incoming line is a good idea.


Founders of SoCal Chapter
If you ever do hook up to city water in a CG...make sure you have a GOOD pressure regulator. One with a guage and no more than 50 PSI.


Well-known member
I had the same questions on my 2015 3010 about the valves. I can tell you on mine, the pull valve closest to the tire was black water and the valve closer towards the front of the trailer was gray water. Not sure it that is right all the time. Best way is to get you a clear connector for your sewer dump and look at it as you open the valves. You will be able to tell the difference. Good luck with everything.


Well-known member
You should be able to look under the trailer, directly under the valves, with the valve door open and see each pipe. The large pipe is black. Unless they covered them in the models since 2011 it is pretty easy to determine which is which.


Kentucky Chapter Leaders - retired
Most everything is covered on previous posts except disinfecting the fresh water system, and only using WHITE potable water hoses for pressurized water connection or fresh water tank filling. Also, a water filter on the incoming line is a good idea.
Camco's premium line of FRESH WATER HOSES are blue but the point is that any hose used for Fresh water should be labeled as suitable for Drinking or potable water!
WOW!! Thank you everyone for all the feedback. These posts will help us tremendously!!!
I fixed my location, I am actually in Cali not AK. I accidentally picked the wrong location. It does get to freezing temps where I live in the mountains, but we store the trailer in the it can get cold there too.
Thank you guys soooo much. I am sure I will be back with more newbie questions soon ;)