I think that there are 3 major things on this website that will be of help to you when you have a problem/question (Besides all the other Heartland owners online ready to answer your questions):
1. The library of factory manuals and user composed helpful guides in the library. This can be accessed from any forum page (like this one) by clicking on the "Tools" tab at the top, then the "Heartland Owners Manuals" selection, then on through the submenus to the specific item you are interested in. This library is worth an online perusal just to see the vast amount of information available.
2. The great search tool for searching all of the previous forum posts at the upper right corner of any forum page. I personally find the "Advanced Search" to be more specific in finding what you want.
3. When you find (or start) a thread on a subject, you will find a listing of "Similar Threads" at the bottom of any forum thread page. These can be invaluable in guiding you on to the info you need.
Happy RVing, and may the problems you need to solve be few!!!