Propane Bottle Switch


Between the two propane bottles is a switch that allows me to select either propane bottle. I was wondering, if one bottle empties while I'm not around to flip the switch, will the system automatically flip to use the other full bottle (assuming the valve is open) ?


Well-known member
Hi KitKat,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum. You'll find lots of useful information here and a great bunch of friendly and helpful people. If you've got questions, they've got answers.

Most of the dual-tank regulators automatically switch over when the primary tank is empty, but perhaps another North Country owner can comment if that's true on this model.


Active Member
I had a north trail and it would switch automatically and I think most models do. one thing I do in cold weather is to keep one tank turned off because when furnace goes out you are completely out, better to be cold for a short time to open other tank than to be cold all night.


Prolifically Gabby Member
Automatic switching regulators have some kind of indicator window that changes from green to red when the tank that the selector is pointing to is empty. The regulator will switch to the other tank, but the indicator will not change color unless you physically select the other tank. If you are running the furnace a lot, it's best to check the tank indicator frequently to be sure you haven't emptied a tank and are running on the other.


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
I use an inline gauge on each tank. They are notoriously inaccurate, but they are good at showing me gas in tank and tank empty. When the first one goes to red, I know that either the regulator hAs automatically switched to the other tank or I need to manually switch and get number 1 refilled.

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Prolifically Gabby Member
I use an inline gauge on each tank. They are notoriously inaccurate, but they are good at showing me gas in tank and tank empty. When the first one goes to red, I know that either the regulator hAs automatically switched to the other tank or I need to manually switch and get number 1 refilled.

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Thought about doing that, too, but I'd have to replace the lines in order to turn the tanks enough to close the compartment with them on the tanks. So I just rely on the switchover indicator and check it when we do need to run the furnace (like now!).


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
I'm lucky to have the two tanks on opposite side of the trailer. :)

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