Past Missouri Chapter Leaders
We used our BH the month of Feb. at Gulf Shores and everything worked fine. Returned to home and put it in storage garage. I closed the valves on both propane bottles. Today I went to check it over before we leave next week on a trip. I opened both propane tank valves and noticed that the red flag in the inspection glass stayed red and would not turn green. I could light a stove burner but it flame was low. I can tell by condensation on the tanks that they are at least 2/3 full. I switched the tanks to the other side and when I opened the tank valves the indicator flag turned green and the stove burner burned fine for about 30 seconds then went very low. I looked at the indicator flag and it was red again. No matter how I have the selector turned the flag stayes red and there appears to be a very low pressure judging by how a burner on the stove lights. The temps have been above freezing for a month now so I do not think the regulator is frozen. Anyone have any suggestions?