Proposed MASSIVE Increases in National Park Entrance Fees


Well-known member
It was on the TV news this morning that the NPS is proposing upping the minimum week-long entrance fees from the current $30 to $70. This is more incentive to get the lifetime seniors and handicapped passes for about $70 (they were $10 lifetime until last year). I think that this might price a lot of poor families out of a wonderful lifetime experience. Any family with a 4th grader can get a free pass for that year.


Well-known member
It was on the TV news this morning that the NPS is proposing upping the minimum week-long entrance fees from the current $30 to $70. This is more incentive to get the lifetime seniors and handicapped passes for about $70 (they were $10 lifetime until last year). I think that this might price a lot of poor families out of a wonderful lifetime experience. Any family with a 4th grader can get a free pass for that year.

The big increase is proposed for only 14 parks - I'm guessing the busiest. I think this is more of a move to control volume than to generate income, but you are correct that it will adversely affect the less fortunate. Volume in many parks has increased to the point where it is just impossible to enjoy the experience, unless you enjoy sitting in traffic. Perhaps a better way to control volume in a more egalitarian manner is to establish a reservation system that is first come first served and provides for a maximum number of vehicles in that park per day. Modifying the parks to accomodate higher volumes would not be practical unless we are willing to destroy the beauty of the environment by building 4 lane highways, motels and service stations in the parks.


Well-known member
The best deal you’ll get from the government is the senior pass.

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Well-known member
The best deal you’ll get from the government is the senior pass.

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Agreed...I paid my $10 and the pass paid me back the first 2 nights I used it.


Pennsylvania Chapter Leaders-retired
This Lifetime Pass (62 or older) was $10 until recently but still at a one time $80, if you’re frequent visitors to federal parks and campgrounds, you’ll pay yourself back in short order..

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Well-known member
$70 for a whole week?

Even with these so-called MASSIVE fee increases, the national parks are still a great value.

$70 will get you 3½ days of parking at Disney World. Not entrance fees, just parking.

$70 will get you (maybe) 2 days at a typical RV park.


Well-known member
$70 for a whole week?

Even with these so-called MASSIVE fee increases, the national parks are still a great value.

$70 will get you 3½ days of parking at Disney World. Not entrance fees, just parking.

$70 will get you (maybe) 2 days at a typical RV park.

True. However, if you have a family and not a lot of money, that’s a steep price, especially considering that most folks don’t stay a week. Also, we don’t pay for Disneyworld with our tax dollars like we do with our national parks.

i don’t have a horse in this race - i’ve got the “Old Guy” pass for $10. Sweet deal


We went to Land-Between-The- Lakes in Ky. They have also changed there pricing model on you discount. Before on Monday- Friday it was half off. Now the entire week is calculated base on the cheapest camp site, which in our case was $12 (tent site) so half of that was a reduction of $6 for each day our our stay. So, things are changing a they a making more revenue. Happy trails

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Well-known member
Sure glad I took the ranger's offer to purchase my senior pass for $10.00 last year while staying at Mesa Verde Campground. Good for life.


Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
Got my Senior pass for $10 on my 62nd birthday almost 8 years ago. I figure it has saved around $800 since then, compared to annual pass. Trace


Well-known member
I heard on the TV news last night that with the current government shutdown with no budget, ALL FEDERAL PARKS ARE CURRENTLY OPEN WITH NO ONE AT THE GATES TO COLLECT ADMISSION FEES. I don't know about the campsite fee situation, though. Bad news, at least for nearby Yosemite, is that the restrooms will be closed. I guess the gate rangers and restroom cleaners are caught in the budget mess.