Random 120-v Wire


Well-known member
We have an unconnected 120v wire that we found behind the the circuit breakers. Anyone know why this is there?


Well-known member
Hard to tell... could it be a un-connected 110 Volt wire for a future A/C. If you do not already have 2 A/C units on the RV. They always put a wire in place for a front Bedroom A/C.


Well-known member
I have discovered in my unit Heartland used yellow lumix (i beleive 12/2) for my 20 amp circuits (ie airconditioners). If it is a yellow(ish) lumex covering this may be the unconnected end that everyone is referring to above.

My bedroom vent had the other end of the 12/2 yellow lumex stuffed in the ceiling beside the existing 12V fan - I replaced my 12V turbo-noise fan-vent with a MaxxAir fan (similar to Fantastic fan).

If it is a white lumex (14/2)...I have no additional information to suffest and good luck.

Take care,


Well-known member
Thanks for the info. We would guess the AC since tank heaters aren't a highly used option. I'll check the color next time doing electrical work.


Well-known member
Look in your breaker panel, if it is pre-wired for the second A/C, you will have the breaker in the box. In our Landmark, I found the loose wire with a blank outlet on it, it is hot and controlled by the refrigerator breaker, if I remember correctly.