Removing red tuck tape


Hello, we have a Heartland Sundance 5th wheel. Last fall, in order to stop mice from entering the trailer in red tuck taped outside doors and vents. When i went to remove some the tape to check mouse traps in basement, the tape peeled off but left red residue behind on the fibreglass. Anyone have a safe sure fire way to remove the remaining tape safely and remove the residue from the tape i already peeled off? I still have a few weeks before i get to it. Wondering about maybe heating the tape with a hair dryer. Thanks in advance for your help


Well-known member
3M adhesive remover in spray can is what RV dealer told me to use when I had to remove duct tape residue. Good luck


Well-known member
You need to be careful that it does not mark the fiberglass. Make sure you read the label. Some products have an ingredient that etches the fiberglass and will stain decals.


Well-known member
As an example of a product that will etch Fiberglass and destroy decals is …. Deep Woods Off. Do not spray it around your unit. If the over spray lands on your unit.. it’s too late