MaxxFan arrived via UPS today, 10 speed reversible, remote control. Off to town tomorrow to purchase some Butyl tape and Dicor self leveling caulking.
climbed upon the roof this afternoon and peeled back some of the caulking covering the screw heads up there to see what type screw heads were used by HL.
Actually looks like a pretty easy install, now you know who will not have to stand on the toilet to open the vent
I had to "remove" Dicor Self-Leveling Sealant from my roof today - large patches of it. Not sure if you need to remove any in order to replace your fan, but I have a tip. I grabbed a wide plastic putty knife and while grabbing a couple straight blade screwdrivers, I saw my Vinyl Siding Zip Tool. Took a look at it and had an ah-ha moment. Took it all up to the roof and guess what, dragging the Zip Tool over the Dicor worked well to pull it up. I didn't end up with a perfectly clean roof, but the sealant was 3/16" to 1/4" thick and the tool worked great. I just took my time and never once had to fear that the tool would slit the EPDM.