Past Ohio Chapter Leaders (Founding)
Well leave it to me to be different. After seeing John and Myrna Bird's booth dinette in their Bighorn I thought I wanted that in our Landmark. I talked with Coley Brady and asked him to get me a price. We agreed and I finally got it done this past week. So take a look at the pictures. I am anxious to hear your thoughts of the first booth dinette in a Landmark. At least I think it is the first. We like it and the service guys up at Heartland did a great job. Dave Jones, Chuck, Pepe and a few others really did a first class job. I am so happy that Heartland has decided to do some of these types of services right there at the plant. We did have a couple of hiccups early on but in the end it really turned out very nice. We couldn't be happier. But don't let that sway your responses. i do want to hear what you think and want Coley and the rest of the fellas there know too.