Replacement right side strorage door for 2014 Big Horn.


Would anyone know where i could purchase a right side storage (Goes all the way thru underneath) door. Its a double latch. The screws have pulled out from the door and there's no way to reinstall the screws.

Thanks, Ozzyboy


Staff member
Hello Ozzyboy and welcome. Lots of great information available on this forum.
Of the doors that have had the screws pulled out I have not heard of door replacement.
Those that had screws pull loose have used either an aluminium plate or piece of plywood. A piece larger than the bracket that pulled loose was glued and screwed to the door, then the bracket screwed to that plate.
Perhaps someone that did that repair will chime in here with pics.



Founders of SoCal Chapter
I made an aluminum plate, used a 3M glue ( cant remember the #) seems like a 5 ???#. Was a marine glue. Screwed the plate to the door and re-installed the door strut. Been good for many years.


I made an aluminum plate, used a 3M glue ( cant remember the #) seems like a 5 ???#. Was a marine glue. Screwed the plate to the door and re-installed the door strut. Been good for many years.

Thanks Bob would it be possible for the dimensions?


Well-known member
I used the metal blank cover for a 4" square electrical junction box, screwed and glued. 2years ago and going strong