A Little Kindness and Patience PLEASE!!!
Why are some so angry with geeksrus? He posted a legitimate response to a thread about problems someone else is having with their BH. Perhaps his response made them feel like they are not alone. It seems like he has some reasonable complaints and it seems like he has tried all avenues to get resolution. I say it seems because I don't know all the facts. But he isn't attacking me or any of us for that matter. He's disappointed,frustrated and I believe feeling misunderstood.
Heartland is not our little child that we have rush to defend if someone dares to not like him. I believe this forum is great. I've been informed and helped many times and made to laugh not a few. But this forum isn't just a Heartland cheerleader. It"s a place to share our Heartland experiences, good and bad. If someone feels they need to caution others or just to vent, that's not so terrible. Maybe we would to, if we had walked a mile in their shoes. Besides Heartland can gain far more insight from the complaints than from compliments. I believe they do and their products and production are improving.
Now as to the idea, that the vendors and dealers are to blame for most problems and therefore Heartland is absolved of responsibility. This is a curious logic and sounds to me of more rushing in to defend "our little child." They are Heartland's chosen vendors
and dealers. Heartland makes a profit on every vendor supplied item (and rightly so). If one of the vendors goes out of business during the first year is Heartland no longer responsible? If the radio goes in your new car, do you call up Bose or do you call your auto dealer?
I'm not knocking Heartland. It"s their product and if there's a problem they need to step up. It's my personal experience that usually they do. We have owned 2 Heartland 5th wheels, a 2008 BH 3370 and now a 2010 Landmark Grand Canyon. We have had the GC since June. Only very minor issues and we love it. If others have not had the same experience, I feel bad for them. It is after all a large investment.
I wish geekrus nothing but the best and I hope some satisfactory resolutions to their problems.
Sue and Doug
2010 LM Grand Canyon
2008 Chevy 2500 D&A
Why are some so angry with geeksrus? He posted a legitimate response to a thread about problems someone else is having with their BH. Perhaps his response made them feel like they are not alone. It seems like he has some reasonable complaints and it seems like he has tried all avenues to get resolution. I say it seems because I don't know all the facts. But he isn't attacking me or any of us for that matter. He's disappointed,frustrated and I believe feeling misunderstood.
Heartland is not our little child that we have rush to defend if someone dares to not like him. I believe this forum is great. I've been informed and helped many times and made to laugh not a few. But this forum isn't just a Heartland cheerleader. It"s a place to share our Heartland experiences, good and bad. If someone feels they need to caution others or just to vent, that's not so terrible. Maybe we would to, if we had walked a mile in their shoes. Besides Heartland can gain far more insight from the complaints than from compliments. I believe they do and their products and production are improving.
Now as to the idea, that the vendors and dealers are to blame for most problems and therefore Heartland is absolved of responsibility. This is a curious logic and sounds to me of more rushing in to defend "our little child." They are Heartland's chosen vendors
and dealers. Heartland makes a profit on every vendor supplied item (and rightly so). If one of the vendors goes out of business during the first year is Heartland no longer responsible? If the radio goes in your new car, do you call up Bose or do you call your auto dealer?
I'm not knocking Heartland. It"s their product and if there's a problem they need to step up. It's my personal experience that usually they do. We have owned 2 Heartland 5th wheels, a 2008 BH 3370 and now a 2010 Landmark Grand Canyon. We have had the GC since June. Only very minor issues and we love it. If others have not had the same experience, I feel bad for them. It is after all a large investment.
I wish geekrus nothing but the best and I hope some satisfactory resolutions to their problems.
Sue and Doug
2010 LM Grand Canyon
2008 Chevy 2500 D&A