Road Warrior MSRP


Well-known member
Attached is the current MSRP sheet for Road Warrior.


  • ROAD WARRIOR MSRP 5-2-17.pdf
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Well-known member
Re: Road Warrior MSRP - Updated 11-18-2013

I think there is a glitch in the grand total formula in the excel version. The one for Road Warrior for me only picked up the total of all the options, did not include the total for the unit itself.

Cyclone spreadsheet worked correctly for me.


Well-known member
Re: Road Warrior MSRP - Updated 11-18-2013


Use an X next to the base unit. I just downloaded it and added an X to the left of the 30C and it added the base cost to the totals area.


Well-known member
Re: Road Warrior MSRP - Updated 11-18-2013

Hmm. I did. It adds to the Base Cost line. But not the Total line for me. I can buy a loaded 425 RW for a little over $13,000. :D Might be trading up sooner than later at that price.


Well-known member
Re: Road Warrior MSRP - Updated 11-18-2013

Eddie - I get it now. Yeah, same here, it brings the base cost down to the base area of the totals but is not picked up in the TOTAL field.

Guess now is the time to buy!


Texas-South Chapter Leaders-Retired
Re: Road Warrior MSRP - Updated 11-18-2013

Jim, as Zack has bought a new Road Warrior I was looking for the MSRP on his model and see that the one here is way out of date. Can you get an updated copy posted?


Well-known member
Ping received Dave :)

I received this a couple of days ago and had not had a chance to get it posted until this morning. Please see post #1 for the latest MSRP for Road Warrior.


Well-known member
Ping received Dave :)

I received this a couple of days ago and had not had a chance to get it posted until this morning. Please see post #1 for the latest MSRP for Road Warrior.

Your awesome. I know your busy. :cool:

- - - Updated - - -

Would the 428 be similar in pricing as the 427?