Roof Question - Walking on it.


Oklahoma Chapter Leaders
The answer to this may be buried in another thread but I can't find it.

I am fixing to go out and clean and treat my roof, wash and wax the rig and get ready to go to the first Oklahoma Chapter Rally.

My question is can I walk on top of my slides?

I want to clean them but do I need to do it with a mop from the roof or brush from the ladder?

Thanks in advance!


Senior Road Warriors
I recently did mine (all one of them) from a ladder. Would have been easy enough to do from standing on the roof, but I didn't think of the slide until after I got down off the roof. It was easy enough to do from the ladder. I don't think I would stand on top of a slide, probably not designed for that much weight. jmho


Prolifically Gabby Member
I do the toppers from the roof with a long handled brush and clean any dust from under them from a ladder. I also would not recommend standing on the slide itself.


Oklahoma Chapter Leaders
That's probably best that I don't and even if they are probably not designed to hold my 240 lb :cool: