Round a/c return ducts

We have a 2014 Landmark. One of the round a/c return air ducts (6 7/8 inch diameter) has broken. Anyone know where we can order replacements?


Well-known member
My former dealer (for my former Bighorn / likely has one.

Long after purchase I noticed that half of my vents were "blowers" while the other half were "returns". The returns had a separate twist-locking ring inside that held a filter in place, and I was missing ONE inner ring and filter. It took awhile but they eventually procured one for me (I believe direct from Heartland / their generic sources weren't the same size). Anyways, as I didn't need the entire vent I told them to keep it in a junk pile as it may come in handy. I believe it came in two colors (ivory & white?), I don't know which one I received.

Give them a call.

I'm now in a Tiffin Phaeton.