Sewer pipe issue


Ever since we purchased our unit, every time my husband opens the lid on the sewer pipe to dump, about a cup of raw sewage from the black tank comes out. He can't figure out why this happens. He always dumps the black water first, and then the 2 grays. Could there be a leak somewhere? Has anyone else had this problem?


Well-known member
Two thoughts come to mind.

  1. Gate valve on black tank is not fully closing
  2. Black tank pipe does not have the proper slope to it


Prolifically Gabby Member
I'd go with the first assumption, gate valve not closing fully. Most likely something is stuck in the seat of the valve, preventing the gate from fully seating. When you push the valve handle in, does it feel "springy" near the end and stick out a bit further than the gray tank handle? You might be able to clear it by using something like a Drain-King or Hydro-Flush attachment on the sewer connection to back flush the obstruction out of the valve. If the blockage is really stuffed into the valve seat, though, the only way to get it out is to disassemble it. The blockage may be TP, or it may be left over construction materials. In our previous TT, I drained styrofoam chunks, bits of wood, and a broken drill bit. :(


Well-known member
I have put an extra gate valve at the very end of the dump pipe. Cost: 20.00 or so. Value: priceless, sure beats the black nasty:eek: when you first take off that cap.


Well-known member
If you use a clear connection on the sewer pipe... before the sewer hose is connected... this is a very good way to KNOW when the black tank is running clear... that is if you've use the Sani-flush feature to clean the black water tank when dumping.

One other thought as Jim mentioned perhaps the plumbing is not sloped well enough to get a complete drain of all the waste water... by driving up on a few layers of wood or plastic blocks... say 2 inches or so on the door side ONLY.... this should tilt the RV well enough to drain the tanks better and allow the all the waste water to drain from the plumbing pipes.

Good Luck.


My husband LOVES the idea of putting in an extra gate valve at the end. Thank you so much all of you for your suggestions! This forum is an invaluable source of information.


Well-known member
Twist-On Valve: $22 at CW.



Well-known member
WOW good price

I bought the flush king, same thing, and it was $45.00 canadian

It it great as once black is dumped I close valve and let grey back flush black and dump again. works good if and when stuff is stuck in valve and won't close off


Well-known member
I have put an extra gate valve at the very end of the dump pipe. Cost: 20.00 or so. Value: priceless, sure beats the black nasty:eek: when you first take off that cap.

Oh yeah, that clear plastic thingy works great also. You can see when the ships have cleared the water and it is clear sailin:D. I have an clear 90 degree angle one as well as a clear straight one. what the heck what is a few more tenths of a fiver buck (unit)


I use a clear 45* connector and I have a gate valve, or did have one. I went through a road construction area today and one of the large orange barrels caught my OS door and the drain gate valve. It broke the door off and broke the gate valve off. The barrels were very close and as I was watching up front I swiped one. The thing that always bothered me is that when you put the gate valve on it sticks out beyond the side of the trailer. And as happened it was snagged by the barrel. It did not break my PVC drains but it did snap the valve off by breaking the hooks that hold it onto my drain conduit.

I would like to get the original drain pipes moved back behind the body of the trailer. Not sure if I can get it done. A gray drain pipe runs parallel with the body and connects to the large drain opening. Looks like it will be a lot of work to change.

Life goes on with some little bumps.


Prolifically Gabby Member
What about putting on a clear 90 before the gate valve?

Actually, I've got the clear Drain King connected to the sewer outlet, then the extra gate valve, then another 12" clear extension, then the hose. And from a previous discussion, we're not watching ships clear the harbor, we're watching sewer trout heading downstream :eek:. With the clear extensions, you can tell if the flow is fully stopped when you close the tank valves.

I've been using the black tank flusher with some success, but occasionally, a large fish seems to get stuck and you can see the flow decrease or stop. Sometimes, closing the valve and letting it get more water in the tank via the flusher, then opening again clears it. But today, I had to resort to the Drain King to persuade it to migrate.


Original Owners Club Member
Hey Bobcat, I bought a gate valve that glues onto the pipe. So I cut some pipe back and mounted it. The cap on the end does not stick out beyond the side.