That picture shows the connection box to the rear which put all the pin weight on the back of the hitch. I wonder what the pin weight was and the circumstances. It appears to be a goose-neck hookup.
More info please
Would you provide more sources?
I seen it on several forums over the past couple years and so yesterday when I posted those pictures, I just did a google search for "Andersen Hitch Failure" and multiple websites came up. I then just copied and pasted it from this website.
At least two of those pictures appear to be the same hitch failure taken from different positions.
I have one and wouldn’t trade it for any other hitch.
There was a recent crash (maybe two weeks ago) where the Anderson Ultimate hitch failed on someone's first pull with it and their 5'ver crashed into the back of the truck cab and they crashed into an enclosed trailer in front of them...
I'm trying to locate the link to that story, although where I saw it originally it has been deleted.
I can't see it unless I join the group.
That picture also shows a pin box that is specifically outlined in the manual for the Andersen as not compatible.
In the failure that yall are discussing the ball also sheared off the mount and broke one safety chain eye bolt.
Try this link for the actual post.
They have a different version but It looks to me like they simply rear ended the truck in front of them which lead to the trailer hitch failure and subsequent damage. I don't worry so much about the hitch crumpling as that will absorb energy and lessen the impact. The area of concern is the ball failure and eye bolt ring. Both of those items are sized for this exact scenario and one/both failed.
I believe in most cases hitch damage in a accident is expected, separation would be less than desirable.