Sky light


I'd like to install a skylight over the dining table in our 21FBS. Does anyone have any info on doing this?


Well-known member
Old trailer had a skylight and it sure made things lighter inside. Out 21FBS trailers are rather dark and even darker with the awning extended. Sounds like a worthy mod.


Well-known member
It can be done, but you will have to know location of the rafter so that the hole that penetrates the roof and ceiling is not in conflict with one of the rafters. You may also choose to box in the opening between the roof and ceiling such is done for A/C and roof mounted fans. Be sure to select the sky light size, roof and ceiling pieces, prior to making any cuts. Locating the sky light in the flat part of the roof is advisable.


Thanks Jim for the advice. Will do some research on where the "rafters" are. Manzan, I think it will be a big improvement. I have a remote camera that I'll be able to slip into the a/c duct and check out in between the roof and ceiling.