Slide Maintainance


Well-known member
Just got a 2018 3560SS.
Does the electric slide system need any special maintenance?
Whats everyone’s Maintanance on there slides? I’ve just used a dry Teflon spray on the rollers and gears and tracks and seems to keep everything running .
Just wondered what everyone does for routine mantananiance ?


Well-known member
The Schwintek tracks are supposed to be lubed w/ a dry spray (I have a can in the garage but cannot recall the name of it), but more so behind the seal by motors. Picked it up at Grainger Supply. Don't know about the rollers. As for the main gear drive tracks under the other 2 slides, I use a spray I got from local dealer that I slap on couple times a year and hit the areas by frame as well. Supposed to be a non dirt attracting spray.

One thing I've noticed is that the Schwintek is slower to operate than the hyd slides and that you HAVE to fully extend the main slide (hallway closet/bedroom) if you need to get into the bathroom while on the road. Something to do w/ the gear set up on the Schwintek system. A quirk yes, but man we LOVE the room once the bed slide is extended as well.


Well-known member
You can go on the Shwinteck web site and they list the lube required,I know it is a CRC spray but cannot remember the number.They do not recommend any other lubes be used on their systems because a lot of lubes attract dirt and this will impact the slides ease of movement.