Slide topper billowing


We have a 3760 EL Bighorn. The long slide topper over the refrigerator and stove area tends to billow out when driving at high speeds. It's very problematic when we have high winds. We have anti-billowing devices on the slide topper but those don't seem to work. The RV repair place checked the tension on the roller and said it was fine. What ideas do you have on how we can fix this problem. At times we have had to climb up and put a zip tie on the roller to prevent it from billowing (not easy). Thanks!


Relocate the anti-billowing arm closer to the stop
Thank you for responding and sorry I am so delayed with the response. We did not have the camper with us for several weeks. Can you take a look at this picture and tell me more about what you are suggesting.


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Well-known member
Needs to be rotated closer to the contact plate the wall. Take the arm loose, barely extend the sliderotate the arm to see if it clears the wall, should clear by about a 1/4".secure it at it's closest point to the wall. then bring in the slide. It will be closer to the conttact point on the wall. When it billowsit will contact the plate on the wall and prevent from unrolling.