I found what I THINK might be the quick-start guide for your Aimspower here - have a look and see if it matches:
If so, E01 means the battery was over-discharged and E02 seems to mean the opposite. Confusing, but these systems absolutely require the battery to be in good health - they can charge and maintain it, but aren't beefy enough to "fix" it if it goes AWOL. I've had luck in the past with AC-powered (bring battery home) battery chargers. But your TM-24 is a lead-acid, right? If so, it might simply be no good. Most auto shops will test them for free/cheap, or you could try a new one. If you just want a test, you can get a battery from somewhere else like a car you're not using for a few hours, and swap that in. If the errors clear up for awhile, replace the battery. If not, maybe contact Aimspower?