SOLVED: Lost power to bedroom


Well-known member
Re: Lost power to bedroom

The pinched/rubbed wire can easily heat up without a short due to the decrease in copper conductor area in the pinched/rubbed area of the wire while the same amperage demands is being put on it. Heating wires (like in a toaster) have a small area of conductor which a large current through it - that's what causes electrical heating.

I would suggest splicing out the bad section, mounting the wiring with cable supports to keep it from pinching or chafing again. Do any AC system electrical servicing with the rig disconnected from AC power. After the repair, just keep an eye on it now and then.


Well-known member
Re: Lost power to bedroom

I have seen that happen on the bedroom slide the wires got caught on the slide mechinism.


Re: Lost power to bedroom

Thanks everyone. I had it fixed this weekend. The bad section was cut out and the good was rewired into the junction box. Everything is working perfect again.
