SOLVED: Troubleshooting issue - DC lighting dim


The other day, all 12V lights in our couch slide stopped working. (I later realized they still came on, but very very dim when turned on. I have confirmed it is not a switch issue, or the load side wiring going out to the lights.

The opposite slide out lights still work fine, and they are on the same 12VDC fuse output at the panel. Here is where it gets weird: I have 12.6 Volts at the feed to the switch, however, when I apply a load the voltage drops to 7 volts, which explains why the lights come on dim. This happens on any of the lighting loads, there are 4 altogether. Does this indicate there is a slight short to the frame somewhere, on the feed from the fuse box, that is only apparent under load? This is all buried in the underbelly, and it will not be easy to get to. I'd appreciate any thoughts before I tear this thing apart.


Re: Troubleshooting issue

Nevermind, found it! It was a bad splice under the opposite slide out. (the one that was working fine) It actually melted the wire in half, and it just fell apart when I touched it.


Well-known member
When I worked on electrical connection that uses wire nuts I always wrapped the wires and wire nuts together with electrical tape. I believe that it reduces the chance of wires working loose.