Spring Rally Agenda


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
OK guys (and gals), I promise I am working on finalizing the agenda for the Spring rally. I'm sure we'll add introductions at the dinner the first night (got a couple of ideas on different ways to do that) and I'm pretty sure I'll try to split up the "what dish to bring" for the Friday dinner so we can get a good variety (e.g. - not all main courses/casseroles :)). Also leaning toward a the themed dinner on Saturday night - bring a dish from your national heritage (e.g. Italian, German, English, French, Spanish, Mexican, etc). Also, be thinking about your RV stories to tell on Saturday evening. It can be funny, informative, or scary. It's up to you! Anyway, if you have suggestions or comments on my thoughts, post them here soon so I can incorporate into the agenda. We've got a great group of RVer's coming together for this rally. I know we'll have a great time. Debra and I are really looking forward to it.

As an aside, I reached out this weekend to all Forum members in VA, NC, MD, and WV (thanks to Jim Beletti for the lists) to invite them to join the chapter (we're the only local state chapter other than PA). I gotten a good response with seven new members so far. Hopefully a few of them will be able to join us at the rally.

Debra and I un-winterized this past weekend. We're really in the mood to get away! We'll probably go the to Frederixksburg KOA the weekend of Mar 21. I'll let you know for sure later. We'll welcome as many as would like to join us for a shakedown, pre-rally mini-rally!


Great job, Gus! Thanks for all the hard work.

We just picked up the 5vr from RB Solutions today after the warranty repairs and we are really looking forward to the rally! I will be great fun!


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
Rally Site Availability - Very Limited

I just talked to Misty Mountain Campground and they are filling up VERY RAPIDLY. If you are thinking about attending, and haven't signed up yet, do so quickly. There is one site left in our club area and one other site available (water and electric only) in the "upper" area. Wow, I never imagined when we first thought about putting together a club and a rally that we would get this kind of response! We'll have to start thinking about our 2d rally soon (suggestions and volunteers to be a rally "captain" are solicited).


Founding VA Chap Ldr (Ret)
Rally sites filled up!

WOW, the last site in our area and one other campground site have now been taken for the rally! If you want to attend, call the campground and see if thay can find a site to fit you in. I'd hate for anyone to miss out that really wants to join us. We may have to go to one of the mega campgrounds for our next rally.