Stain on roof


Active Member
Washing Big Horn today and notice a stain on the side of the rubber roof. Looks brown like a pollen stain and it won't come off. I know you don't want to put anything to strong or it will damage the roof.
Anyone have a way to clean the stain or should I just forget it.


Well-known member
I have some stains due to the air conditioner run off. I just wash them with Simple Green when I wash the roof. Never perfectly clean but being the top of the roof and out of sight OK with me...........Don


Well-known member
If it is EPDM rubber roof, Dicor (maker of EPDM for RV roofs) has a good online resource --> Rudy's Expert RV Roof Care Handbook.

I see that some of the Citrus based cleaners can also be of concern to some roofs - in addition to anything that has petroleum based solvents in the cleaner.

I have used the 3% hydrogen peroxide in the past on some bad staining. Otherwise I regularly use original Dawn dish soap in water with a bristle brush and some elbow grease.

Hope this helps,



We cleaned the roof of our Silverado this week and both air conditioners are leaving ugly brown streaks. We used Dawn dish liquid with a squirt of bleach along with direct spray from a bottle of rubber roof cleaner and nothing seemed to clean these stains. I would like to remove these ugly stains but I'm more concerned with harm to the roof from harsh cleaners. We've only had it for 3 months and this is its first cleaning. Is this a normal issue with the air conditioners? We've never had this issue with our previous travel trailers and don't know what to do about it.

roof 1.JPGroof 3.JPGroof 2.JPG


Well-known member
I have had mine for a couple years and it never looked that bad. Not sure why it's so bad.


We contacted Heartland customer service via email. We heard back from them the next day and they requested pics. I sent them several of the roof and the inside of the main air conditioner. Hopefully they can help us figure it out.


Well-known member
Most of the high ,high end rig s have done away with A/C runoff on the roof and route it down an inside pipe.I have had these brown stains on the roof of our Landmark since day one.


Founding Utah Chapter Leaders-Retired
We have a fair amount of staining from the A/C, although not quite as bad as yours. I remove most of it with Dawn dish soap and a soft brush. If it is really bad I will spot clean with Camco roof cleaner purchased from Wallyworld.

I think a lot of it has to do with the environment you are in. Humid means more runoff. Humid and dusty or dirty, means more stain in the runoff.

I agree with Birchwood, I suggest HL put a pan with a drain hose under the A/C. It could be routed over the edge of the roof, or down to the underside the rig. This would be an inexpensive improvement and good sales tool. Trace
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Founding Wisconsin Chapter Leader-Retired
My previous big Horn started to stain like that. I took the AC cover off and found leaves and bark that was causing the stains. I clean up the mess and no more severe staining, but I was not able to completely remove the stains. Dirt blowing around, on the AC and on the roof may also cause streaking and stains. Good luck and safe travels.


Well-known member
Washing Big Horn today and notice a stain on the side of the rubber roof. Looks brown like a pollen stain and it won't come off. I know you don't want to put anything to strong or it will damage the roof.
Anyone have a way to clean the stain or should I just forget it.

We had the same stains on our roof. I was trying to clean them on the weekend and could not get them cleaned off. My wife suggested Magic Eraser. We gave it a try and they removed the A/C stains completely.


Founding Louisiana Chapter Leaders-Retired
Be careful with the magic erasers. I used one to remove glue from dealer sticker and scratched up my gel coat.

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Well-known member
Simple solution is....Don't wash the roof....It does nothing but remove the wear layer on the rubber roof. Does it really matter if it's clean or not? I didn't wash the rubber roof on my last park trailer in 10 years. Nobody saw it or cared. The roof was still in good shape when I sold it. As the roof ages a small amount of rubber dries out and turns to powder on the surface. It just lies there if undisturbed and protects the rubber underneath it. I chose to just leave it alone.....Don


Founding Louisiana Chapter Leaders-Retired
Yes but where it rains it washes down the sides and creates drip marks and black streaks that are harder to clean off.

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New York Chapter Leaders - retired
Wash and treatment is needed I feel to maintain a healthy product. Some marks will never come totally out. I stay away from heavy detergent products and just use Dawn and elbow grease.