Step Mod To 3250TS


Active Member
Has Anybody done a mod to the steps that lead upstairs for storage? I was looking this weekend for screws to take the tread off of mine but couldn't find any. Any help would be appreciated. A few members have made a storage bin under the steps but I have slightly curved/rounded steps so they will need to be diffrent. Thanks.


Well-known member
Mine is a 2011 and it has drawers under the two steps. Not really good for much..We have way more storage than we need anyway. After each trip we drag out the stuff we've been hauling around and don't use. Makes it easier to find things too..Don


Active Member
Thanks for the shout back guys. As you have probably found, there isn't a great deal of room at the door for extra shoes. I had seen a couple of other posts with modifications to the steps to create more storage. Seems like a good idea but as I said earlier, I can't find any screws or fasteners holding the treads down. Anybody have any ideas..??


Former Georgia Chapter Leaders
The screws are hidden in the need to look really hard for them. There should be only a couple of them. I am going to me doing mine soon...had them off already.