Sundance XLT-265RK/North Trail 26RK??


Newbie here looking for any info (good or bad) concerning these two Fiver's. These appear to be the same except for the name/model. Is this correct? These are on my list of lightweight fiver's to buy. Below is my list.

Jayco Eagle Super Lite 26.5RKS

Coachmen Chaparral 270RKS

Cougar X-Lite 27RKS****

Flagstaff Classic 8528RKWS***

Cougar HC-291RLS****

Palomino Elite F-829RKSB

Heartland SD-XLT 265RK/North Trail 26RK


Another one I am looking at is the Elkridge Express 25. Apparently this one is new, being there is no weight info posted on the website. Does anyone know anything about this one?


Well-known member
They are basically the same except different material(fabric, colors).
same as my NT 31qbs,sundance 31qbs. Just different colors inside


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
I cannot vouch for this particular model, but I have walked in an Elk Ridge Express at the RV show. Nice appointments throughout. We are quite pleased with our Elk Ridge.


I have not found any of these models to see anywhere close to New Orleans, Dallas or Houston. Guess I will need to remove them from my list.