Sure hope Discover Canada Owners are Welcome on Your Site


We are the proud owners of a KOKANEE EXPRESS M21:confused: which we learned only yesterday, is a virtual mate to the Heartland Edge M21. We love this trailer, irrespective of where or by whom it was made.
We are both seasoned campers and a little long in the tooth, but have been away from RV'ing for many years, but purchased this 2010 in October to start to see more of life and North America. We have towed it to Florida at Christmas and spent April touring the Carolinas. We tow with a 2005 Sprinter and get limited help from 3 very bad Yorkies.

Dave and Marilyn

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Dave & Marilyn, welcome to the forum. We welcome owners of all brand owners to view our forum. Interesting about your Kokanee Express. I found this on the web and look at the trailer sitting next to the M21. It's a Heartland Cyclone. Makes me wonder who is really building the Kokanee. Maybe it's to Heartland Specs but built in Canada?


Well-known member
Dave and Maryiln:
Well I don't know if you qualify as SOB's (Some Other Brand), but most everyone is welcome on this site. We have even had posters from Austraila who have have had rigs imported there posting. Heck, SOB's are even welcome at our owners group rallies.
Happy RVing!!


Wesley and Niki Norwood
Welcome Dave and Marilyn, glad to have you on board. Jump in and have a good time. As for the SOB, judging form the brochures on the Discover Canada website i would say if they arent twins they must be closely related to Heartlands.


Well-known member
Here is Jim B's response the last time Discover Canada was brought up on the forum.

Oh the mystery :)

Here's the scoop gang. Heartland private label manufactures this product for Discover Canada RV. Heartland does handle the warranty aspect of the product but nothing more. There is nothing on the Heartland factory website about this product as we do not market the brand. There is no community for this forum planned for this brand. That is up to Discover Canada RV to do.

Jim Beletti
Director of Owners Interests, Heartland RVs, LLC