Thank you, HL Forum!


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
Today we met up with 2psnapod, Kelly and Michael. They are staying in a nearby town, so we met for lunch and had a great time visiting and talking Heartland!

Thanks to this forum for bringing great folks into our lives! It was like we'd known each other for years. Looking forward to a rally with them down the road.


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Well-known member
Where's the dang "Like" button?

Like! :)

That's awesome that you were able to get together with Michael and Kelly. A couple of sweet peas :) Happy to count them as my friends too.

Meeting Heartlanders anywhere and everywhere is a treat. Happy to see people going out of there way to do this.


Texas-South Chapter Leaders-Retired
Erika, this forum is great isn't it. It was so nice meeting you and tony. Felt like we were old friends. And I hope our next rally is not too far into the future. And Jim I like the sweet peas thing. And we are so happy to be part of the family. Really love all of our Heartland family! They are the best. And they also make RVing fun.


Texas-South Chapter Leader-Retired
Ditto! Ditto! and Ditto! So glad we were able to meet face to face! We had such a great visit can't wait until next time!