I am able to type this opinion today due to LEO's saving my life on numerous occasions. I have the utmost respect for what they do. Everyone should sign up for a ride along at least once in their life. That ride will enlighten you. People are horrible to each other and to themselves. I have nightmares from some of the things I saw. I cannot imagine anyone that drives a vehicle with lights and sirens on it being any different than me. And then on top of that we expect these humans to be perfect all the time. All the time... But when we decide that they have stepped out of line we, society, arm chair quarter back what they did. I cannot and will not judge any LEO for their actions. It pretty much boils down to this, one of the main points in any concealed carry class is you must fear for your safety before you draw your weapon. It seems to me we do not give LEO's the same consideration. Now we have those in our society calling for the execution of LEO's in this country and some of them are actually doing it. To reiterate, people are horrible.
To those of you in law enforcement, stay safe! If I ever have the honor to meet any of you in my travels, I would love to buy you lunch, a cup of coffee, or a couple of donuts...