Especially if your on the road, living in it and every dealer around or nearby has trailers waiting to be repaired and no time to work on yours.
I have a question and this is not slamming any dealer or Heartland because from what I read on different forums, this appears to be industry wide. Why is it that you can burn up the engine on your diesel ruck while 300 miles from home, have it towed to the nearest dealer and they will order and install a new or rebuilt engine and have you back on the road in about 2 weeks max.
But you take delivery of a new 5th wheel on Monday, October 27th. Take it to an RV rally that weekend and being dumb, screw up a drawer and fascia board when opening a slide. Plus you find that when draining your black tank, you are almost reliving Robin Williams' black tank draining experience in the movie RV because someone at the factory forgot to properly glue some pipe fittings together.
You take it back to the dealer on Monday, Nov. 3 and tell them about your screw up with the drawer and ask them if they can rush and fix the sewer because you have an Escapees Boot Camp to attend the following weekend but that you can live with the drawer problem and a few other small problems like a defective latch on the closest door. They fixed the sewer problem for me so I could use it that weekend, and I was/am a happy camper.
Told them that I wanted to use the trailer for two more trips, and would bring it back to them on December 15th for them to install the new drawer and fascia board plus the few other small nitpick items I might fine. I figured they would order the drawer, closest latch, etc at that time and would have it there waiting for me on the 15th when I took it in. When I get there, there is a big sign stating that any trailer left there the week of December 15th will be ready for pickup the week of January 26th. My work order has "Time promised, week of Jan 26th" on it. I understand the Christmas holidays etc, and I was not going to use it until after January, so it was no problem to me, but my gut feeling is that nothing was ordered until after December 15th, probably way after. They had about a month and a half to order the parts so as to have them there when I took the rig back in.
I can understand major repairs taking longer, but it seems the standard procedure in RV service departments is that no matter the repair, it is probably going to take a couple of months. If I was the owner, I would want to have the reputation of having the fastest turn around service department in the state. On my particular rig, I would think everything that needs to be done could not be over 2 hours labor. The last two Monday's I have received emails that the parts are still on order, and as soon as they get them, they will jump on the job. Will be interesting to see if I get the same message tomorrow. I get stuff I order from Amazon and other places in 2 or 3 days. I would think they would want to get the small jobs in and out and in my case, I told them a couple of months before I took it in what needed to be ordered. I guess it is just the way it is, but if I owned the place, I sure would try and do it differently.