Tow it just me?


Well-known member
Tireman9 you must be missing something for I know for a fact I filed a complaint and there were others there when I looked.

Can you provide the ODI#? With 24 total I can only guess which one was yours. If you don't have the number do you have a date you filed the complaint?


Well-known member
I recently purchased a SD 3400qb and has the Power King Towmax tires. From the date code it shows made in China. My question is are they owned by Carlisle still? My tires also have a 1112 date code. I assume that means the 11 th week of 2012? So far have only pulled the trailer the 60 miles home from the dealer and then out to storage. Purchased the 507 system and will install those prior to first trip.

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Well-known member
I recently purchased a SD 3400qb and has the Power King Towmax tires. From the date code it shows made in China. My question is are they owned by Carlisle still? My tires also have a 1112 date code. I assume that means the 11 th week of 2012? So far have only pulled the trailer the 60 miles home from the dealer and then out to storage. Purchased the 507 system and will install those prior to first trip.

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Your probably near the end of their usefull life by the sounds of things on here.

Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
Per the date code, your tires are only a year old. But!!! The Tow Max tires have been problematic based on reports on our Forum. Watch them closely for any bulges or bubbles on the sidewalls and tread area. The TST system
Is great to monitor psi and temp but if you get a bubble or tread separation, you might not know it till it's too late.
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Well-known member
Ok was just curious because looking at a previous poster then looking at the NHST complaints it always used Carlisle as the MFG. guess I was confused which is easily done on these tire issues.

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Well-known member
Looks like I was wrong. There are in fact 24 complaints on Towmax tires.
The way everyone talked about them I thought that was the tire "brand". Like Goodyear or Firestone are a tire brand. In fact in the NHTSA database they consider them Power King BRAND and Towmax Line made by Cooper tire.

If you want to read some of the poor, incomplete, inaccurate complaints go to the NHTSA complaint web site Select TIRES under "type". Then and you can use the drop down list for tire "BRAND" and select "Power King" from the drop down list. Then use the drop down for Tire Line and select Tow Max.
There you will see most reports don't list size or DOT serial. One is reporting the size as a passenger "P" type while another is reporting problems with LT type on their tow vehicle. Clearly a lot of people have no idea of what tires they have.

Now none of this means I think there are no problems with the Tow Max line however if you look at it from NHTSA viewpoint there maybe only one or two complaints since 2008 that provide useful information.

In a few weeks I will be doing an analysis on these reports as part#3 of my series on "
"How to File a Complaint with NHTSA"

I do stand behind my position that unless or untill there are a number of complete and accurate complaints filed with NHTSA there will certainly be little chance of action.


I happen to be #22 on the list. In fact I filled my complaint on 12/11/12, along with photos of rig, tires, & repair bill. I had one tire separate the tread, which was the one that damaged the rig. While unloading the spare I noticed one on the right side rear with a huge bulge. Thank god I saw it or we would have had double the damage. By the way here is my ORI#10487943. I take this type of issue serious. I've seen first hand families lose love ones due to tire failures.

Maybe, if you post the best way to file a proper complaint more RVers will take the time. I called mine in, because it was a bit difficult to navigate the site. Actually, one of the DOT guys got them on the line for me. Even then you are at the mercy of the person on the other end of the phone to properly enter the information correctly. I happened to ask them to send me a hard copy, just in case I thought of anything else.

Make your post "How to file Complaint with NHTSA" a Sticky. It may help other folks in the near future.

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Well-known member
My bad it says Cooper tire when you search through the complaints when checking PowerKing Towmax tires

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Well-known member
My bad it says Cooper tire when you search through the complaints when checking PowerKing Towmax tires
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Towmax are not and never have been made by Cooper according to Cooper Tire Co when I contacted them in December. I notified my contact at NHTSA of the program error on the NHTSA website but don't know when it will be fixed.

TowMax seems to be imported by TBC Corporation according to THIS site.


Well-known member

I happen to be #22 on the list. In fact I filled my complaint on 12/11/12, along with photos of rig, tires, & repair bill. I had one tire separate the tread, which was the one that damaged the rig. While unloading the spare I noticed one on the right side rear with a huge bulge. Thank god I saw it or we would have had double the damage. By the way here is my ORI#10487943. I take this type of issue serious. I've seen first hand families lose love ones due to tire failures.

Maybe, if you post the best way to file a proper complaint more RVers will take the time. I called mine in, because it was a bit difficult to navigate the site. Actually, one of the DOT guys got them on the line for me. Even then you are at the mercy of the person on the other end of the phone to properly enter the information correctly. I happened to ask them to send me a hard copy, just in case I thought of anything else.

Make your post "How to file Complaint with NHTSA" a Sticky. It may help other folks in the near future.


I am working on a series of posts on How To.....

In the mean time you might read THIS post and follow the two links from a fellow RV owner. I did the cut tire inspection for him and walked him through the process of filing his 3 complaints.


Well-known member
I switched over to Maaxis. I still use a Tow Max spare. I'm sorry you have a mess there with the blow outs. Frustrating. I know personally. I still have a rear entry step unit to install from our axle blow out last fall. Good thing I have two sets of steps. Mark.